I believe everyone has experienced a question like "What is your job?" before, you properly answer whether you are a doctor, pharmacist, engineer and etc...... Of course those are very classic and straight forward answers from your standard two essay with title 'My ambition".
Unfortunately when you were only at standard two, you would not know there are plenty of different jobs in this world. Furthermore even engineer also could be a lot of different kind of engineer.
So what irritate me about the question is my job title. According to my offer letter, I am a "Building Solution Engineer". Make a guess. Do you have any idea about my job? Well, some of my friends even thought I provide pest control service.
Apparently "BUILDING SOLUTION" is just a market gimmick so you would not be able to know what I am doing and get interest to know more. In order to prove that I am not a cockroach killer. Let me show you a project that I have done - Tanjung Bin Coal Shed.
Basically it is a shed to cover the coal. For sure I would not simply show you the "lau ya" project, eventhough it a shed but show ma of course show you the most fancy one that I did.
It's a 2nd longest clear span portal frame building in Malaysia which has consist of 109meter & 102meter per bay and with 33meter tall building height.

Which equalvalent to 11 stories height building. Believe me it is really tall. Climb up to the top by using the small cat ladder could train you to join Fear Factor possibly to win some prices if you can make it in the goat testicle part as well.
What role do I play in this project????? I am the one who get a right price, coordinate all the technical aspect with the consultant and our own technical department (the real engineer), nego all the term and condition with client, the main contractor in this case. In short, I am a sales engineer. Now you know clearer about marketing gimmick???
Beside, because I also added my bosses in my facebook and just in case they accidentally view this blog so I want clarify that I am actually okey with "Building Solution Engineer" title. Hehe....
Don't believe me.....

I love my job till cannot let go the steel column.
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