Our safety manager found number of Spidermans in one of construction site at Kota Damansara.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Psychology of Selling - Brian Tracy
A very interest story I got from this book, by Brian Tracy. Since I am not a good story teller and moreover my english is lousy so I just quoted the whole story out.

"Many years ago, there was salesman who worked for Corning Glass. This was the year that the company introduced safety glass for the first time. This product contained a transparent plastic sheet between two pieces of glass, and as a result, it did not shatter the way most windshield glass did at that time.
This young salesman went out with his new product, and within one year he became the top-performing salesman of safety glass in North America. At the national sales conference, he received the first prize for sales performance and was invited to share his secret with the other sales people present. They wanted to know, "How did you sell so much more safety glass than anyone else?"
He explained, "First of all, I got the factory to cut some safety glass into six-inch squares as samples. Then I got ball-peen hammer, which I took with me on sales calls. When I walked in on the prospect, I would ask, 'Would you like to see a piece of glass that doesn't shatter?'
"Almost invariably, the prospect would say, 'That's not possible, I don't believe it.' I would then put the glass sample on his desk, take out the ball-peen hammer, and whack it. He would instinctively jump and throw up his hands to protect his eyes. When he looked down and saw that the glass had not shattered, he would be amazed.
"After that, it was simple. I would just ask, 'How much would you like?' take out my order pad, and begin writing."
Corning Glass was so impressed with this technique that the following year they bought ball-peen hammers for all their salespeople, provided them with samples of safety glass, and sent them out nationwide. The method really work; they sold glass by the carload.
At the end of the year, at the next national sales convention, the young salesman, for some reason, was still head and shoulders above every other salesperson in the country.
Once again, they invited him up on the stage to receive his award as the top salesperson in the country. And again they asked him, "What is it that you did this year to outsell everybody else?"
"Well," he said. "I knew that you were all going to use my method, so I had to come up with a new technique. Now when I go in to see the customer, I've got a ball-peen in one hand and the sample of safety glass in the other. I ask him, 'Would you like to see a piece of glass that doesn't shatter?'
"He usually says, 'I don't believe it.'
"Then, I put the piece of glass on his desk and I give him the hammer and have him hit it. When he tries and fails to smash the glass himself, he is totally convinced. Then I write up the order."
Have you got your glass & hammer story or technique? Please share with me..... Cos I don't have it...... :(

"Many years ago, there was salesman who worked for Corning Glass. This was the year that the company introduced safety glass for the first time. This product contained a transparent plastic sheet between two pieces of glass, and as a result, it did not shatter the way most windshield glass did at that time.
This young salesman went out with his new product, and within one year he became the top-performing salesman of safety glass in North America. At the national sales conference, he received the first prize for sales performance and was invited to share his secret with the other sales people present. They wanted to know, "How did you sell so much more safety glass than anyone else?"
He explained, "First of all, I got the factory to cut some safety glass into six-inch squares as samples. Then I got ball-peen hammer, which I took with me on sales calls. When I walked in on the prospect, I would ask, 'Would you like to see a piece of glass that doesn't shatter?'
"Almost invariably, the prospect would say, 'That's not possible, I don't believe it.' I would then put the glass sample on his desk, take out the ball-peen hammer, and whack it. He would instinctively jump and throw up his hands to protect his eyes. When he looked down and saw that the glass had not shattered, he would be amazed.
"After that, it was simple. I would just ask, 'How much would you like?' take out my order pad, and begin writing."
Corning Glass was so impressed with this technique that the following year they bought ball-peen hammers for all their salespeople, provided them with samples of safety glass, and sent them out nationwide. The method really work; they sold glass by the carload.
At the end of the year, at the next national sales convention, the young salesman, for some reason, was still head and shoulders above every other salesperson in the country.
Once again, they invited him up on the stage to receive his award as the top salesperson in the country. And again they asked him, "What is it that you did this year to outsell everybody else?"
"Well," he said. "I knew that you were all going to use my method, so I had to come up with a new technique. Now when I go in to see the customer, I've got a ball-peen in one hand and the sample of safety glass in the other. I ask him, 'Would you like to see a piece of glass that doesn't shatter?'
"He usually says, 'I don't believe it.'
"Then, I put the piece of glass on his desk and I give him the hammer and have him hit it. When he tries and fails to smash the glass himself, he is totally convinced. Then I write up the order."
Have you got your glass & hammer story or technique? Please share with me..... Cos I don't have it...... :(
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Super Trimo Seafood Restaurant @ Plaza Damas
很多天没有blogging了。 不是没有东西写,而是遇到瓶颈。总觉得用英文并不能好好表达自己的心情。明显不是英文不能表达我的心情,是我不能用英文好好表达。

前菜 - 三文鱼刺身 (非常普通甚至有点不新鲜。但值得一提是他们的刀工一流,三文鱼切得差不多可以透光)
火锅是套餐,分量尚且足够。当然与 all you can steamboat 相比,他们就显得重质不重量。
且看猪肉丸,鱼丸,鸡肉丸全是新鲜手打。口感和味道决属一流。和 Giant & Tesco 丸比较就是天堂与地狱之分。
新鲜马来走地鸡,吃起来很Q,很鸡... ...
所以身为独中生的我,应该show show我的中文水平。话不多说...... 为大家介绍今天的菜色。
早在2006年,他们就在Plaza Damas内开设了一间叫“美食奖门人”的中餐厅。起初以为他们在“东方魅力”的失败,加上平常他们整人为习,所以并没有抱太大地希望。

美食奖门人是中餐,除了有平常点菜吃饭外,还有一道特别的美食 - 火锅.
美食奖门人是中餐,除了有平常点菜吃饭外,还有一道特别的美食 - 火锅.

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