Here's Sir Richard Branson photo,

For Datuk Tony, I guess better don't publish here. I scare people might get vomit.
AU is the chemistry symbol of GOLD. In this capitalism society while money keep inflating GOLD has been a highly sought-after precious metal for coinage, jewelry, and other arts since the beginning of recorded history.. Just like my surname Au. This is blog that I put all my valuable thought, fun and idea to share with you...
So all I need now is to train HARDER & HARDER............ for PENANG MARATHON
Back to the topic, it is because a sales person required to entertain customer. Makan with client is one of the best way to get closer and understand better of your client. Basically you might sharing dishes, chit chatting while enjoying the nice food. Again eventually you will know whether your client likes spicy or original, coffee or tea. Even though, it would not be related for you to closing the deal but the time spending with them is worthwhile. Simply because you can dig more info and build up the repo between them until become friend.
In this case, whenever I got chance to eat with my customer sure enough I will ask whether any good food to recommend. By adding up all this, that's why sales person always know where to makan. You really can trust this (where to makan) on a sales person maybe not on their product XD.
Today, I want share one of the best chao xiu in town that my customer brought me to - Restaurant Spring Garden 阳光烧腊 @ Shah Alam Sri Muda.
They named their chao xiu in "glass chao xiu, in chinese called 玻璃叉烧". They use the medium fat chao xiu so the chao xiu looks very glossy and it tastes like glass surface. The smoothes will just melting when you put it into your mouth.
Not to mention, their roasted chicken, duck and dumpling also very nice.
You would imagine if a sales person has to take this kind of meal offen so indirectly killing the sales person softly...... (music up)
Yet I am still a sales person. That's why I am still have
I am new man this year because I have join marathon extensively.
Mizuno Waverun (This coming Sunday) here I come...........
Will share more after the race.
p/s: I cannot bring DSLR to work so the quality of the photo is a bit blur.